Upcoming Workshops
Explore Our Workshops
We would love to have our staff come out and train your Chapter, at no cost to you. We can come at a time you are already meeting, and we provide pizza!
This foundational workshop focuses on understanding the ways in which the history of tobacco mirrors and is influenced by the history of colonization and racism in the U.S beginning with the story of indigenous and American Indian and Alaska Native communities and their use of traditional tobacco.
Just like many other industries and institutions in our society, the tobacco industry has used practices for decades that are rooted in racist systems. This workshop is meant to introduce new information for thought provoking conversations, honest reflections, and transformational learning as we dive into how tobacco is a social justice issue. You will learn how the tobacco and vape industry has targeted marginalized communities, especially black communities due to unjust systems of power. You will also get the chance to talk more about how this all applies to your specific communities.
This training focuses building a shared language to talk about racial justice topics including the 4 levels of racism. This training can help support Chapters in thinking about how to talk about racism, not only in their work through The 84, but how it shapes our communities and society as a whole.
In order to do meaningful and authentic antiracism work in our communities we must remember the importance of self-reflection and self-transformation. This workshop will be a great starting point for us to better understand how our social identity shapes how others view us, how we view ourselves and how our identities influence the way we navigate the world and systems around us.
Talking to local decision-makers takes preparation and practice! This training will help you gain the confidence, skills, and organization to have a make a strong impression with a pitch or presentation to any policymaker or stakeholder in your community.

Exploring your IDENTITIES Workshop
In order to do meaningful and authentic antiracism work in our communities we must remember the importance of self-reflection and self-transformation.
This workshop will be a great starting point for us to better understand how our identity shapes how others view us, how we view ourselves and how our identities influence the way we navigate the world and systems around us.

Mini-Grant Training 6: Practicing Your Pitch
Grantees are welcome to join us during this workshop to prepare for key stakeholder presentations and work with staff on their passion pitch.