
Each year, The 84 Movement offers its Chapters the opportunity to apply for a mini-grant to do meaningful youth-led work in their community.

The Creative Spark Fund

Number of awards: Up to 30 youth serving organizations in Massachusetts will be funded.

Funding Amount: $5,000

Project Timeline: February 2025 - June 2025

Summary: The 84 Movement Creative Spark Fund will provide funding to youth-serving programs to carry out a creative project of their choosing. The creative project must address an element of The 84’s mission and can range from art murals, podcast shows, music videos, and photography. Organizations that are awarded funds will be required to participate in an 84 Movement messaging training to ensure that the project aligns with messaging priorities.  

Programs will be invited to submit proposals to receive grants that will support their participation in:

·       Adult and youth participation in an 84 Movement messaging training

·       Facilitating submissions of works created by young people that incorporate 84 Movement themes

·       Technical assistance to support successful implementation.

Expectations: The Creative Spark Fund will award $5,000 mini-grants to youth serving organizations who are interested in completing a creative project related to The 84’s mission (i.e, addressing racism and discriminatory practices of the tobacco and vaping industries, uplifting youth voice, root cause factors that lead to tobacco and nicotine use, etc.) The expectation is to submit at least four smaller works or one larger project. Examples of final works are podcasts, Tik Toks or other videos, posters, murals, etc. or one large art mural in a neighborhood. There will be two check-ins with staff to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Funding may be used to pay for staff time, consultants, youth stipends, supplies and materials and transportation to in-person events,

Important Dates:

·       Check-ins will be scheduled for the months of April and June, VIRTUAL

·       Friday, June 20, all final submissions are due and funds should be spent

These dates are required for all Creative Spark Fund grantees. At least one adult advisor or project lead must plan to attend each check-in meeting. You will receive a calendar invitation with the important dates after receiving funding.

Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis. The deadline to receive funds is Thursday, April 10, 2025.

Preview the application questions.

Additional Funding Opportunities

If your Chapter would like to work on a special project but does not have capacity for a mini-grant, we periodically offer additional smaller opportunities throughout the year.