ENUFF: The 84 Movement’s Youth Day of Action
ENUFF (formerly Kick Butts Day) is a national day of education and advocacy around tobacco, vape, and nicotine prevention.
ENUFF is “ending nicotine use for the future”.
Here in Massachusetts, youth from across the state come to Boston for activities that include:
A leadership development training on meeting with elected officials
Face-to-face meetings with state representatives and senators
An event and awards ceremony with MA Department of Public Health leaders, public officials and the press.
Registrations closed on Friday, March 7, 2025.
ENUFF is on Thursday, April 3, 2025.
All attendees will require a consent form.
Please note that the form requires a yes/no for photo consent.
Send all Consent Forms to Christian Badillo at cbadillo@hria.org!
ENUFF Schedule
9:30-10:15am: Registration and Breakfast
10:15-11:15am: Opening and Training
11:30-1:00pm: Lunch and Legislative Visits
1:00-2:00pm: Program and Awards
2:00-2:30pm: Transition Outside (pack up, restrooms, etc.)
2:30-3:00pm: Rally and Group Photo in front of State House
3:00pm: Buses Depart
Statewide Youth Leadership Award
Do you know of an amazing youth who’s really deserving some recognition for their fight against the tobacco and vaping industries? We’re on a search for our new Statewide Youth Leadership Award Winner for this year!
The Statewide Youth Leadership awardee will receive:
Recognition at ENUFF: The 84 Movement’s Youth Day of Action at the
Massachusetts State House on Thursday, April 3, 2025The chance to deliver the closing speech at
ENUFF in front of hundreds of spectatorsRecognition on The84.org and other
social media (photo and profile will be posted)A scholarship of $500 to a school or program of their choice
Potential press coverage and recognition by legislators in your district
The application was open until March 7, 2025.
All applicants will also require a nomination form filled out
and submitted by an adult advisor.
Youth Power Summit
The 84 Movement’s Youth Power Summit is a chance for over 100 youth all over the state to come together to get excited and prepared for the year ahead! The Statewide Leadership Team puts together a great program which orients Chapters to The 84, trains them on relevant topics like racism or becoming a community champion, and most of all, helps everyone see that we are not alone in this fight against the tobacco and vaping industries. It also is a chance to prepare for Kick Butts Day, which happens later in the school year. It’s an event you won’t want to miss!
There will be training, eating, laughing, cheering, networking, and more!
Youth Power Summit was on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Polar Park!
Sample Youth Power Summit Agenda
Registration and breakfast
Opening Ceremony
Workshop: Becoming a Community Champion
Workshop: Teambuilding and Networking
Closing Ceremony
Buses depart